I have a Xhorse ELV Emulator which tested well on my Mercedes 204. VVDI MB Tool support renew and write ELV and ESL. Here are my review:
Received the Xhorse ELV Emulator for my Mercedes 204 for a few days. Have used it with VVDI MB BGA Tool. And the test report, here you go…
1.Successfully used ELV Emulator in W204:
1). EIS: read data by OBD from EIS/EZS …… OK
2). EIS: get erase password ……. OK
3). password calc.: get key password through calc. process and 1 token used ……OK
4). EIS: save all data of EIS ……. OK
5). EIS: renew EIS/EZS through IR ……. OK
6). EIS: load back saved data …….. OK
7). EIS: write data to EIS/EZS …… OK
8). EIS: personalize ELV emulator in EIS/EZS unit – success….. OK
9). EIS and ELV now working and car start
10). ELV emulator/simulator from Xhorse have sound (unlock and lock job) almost as original ELV
After all this steps still missed VIN in EIS/EZS, and fault in ESP because not see VIN from EIS,
then finished with XENTRY and write VIN to EIS/EZS in EIS/EZS unit finished…. OK
erase all faults ….. OK
I renew W204 ELV emulator only through 2x click…no need any data or passwords.

Original metalic W204 ELS/ELV unit renew is different process and steps…there you need erase passwords to have.
I unlock NEC from 3x blocked W204 ELV, i think it take 3-5 attempts, each delay 100-1000 times cca, don’t know exactly now…
only try….failed…try….failed….try….success.
2.The process to renew EIS for ESL/ELV personalizes described in VVDI mercedes manual:
ESL Tools
Support read ESL data via OBD (K-Line) …… tested OK Support renew ESL, make 2nd hand ESL to new one (online) ……. tested OK ( online get only erase pass ) Support replace ESL, you can write original ESL or EIS data to new ESL …… tested OK ( but key password is needed to have too ) Support write new VIN …… tested OK ( i write there 999999 and OK ) Support clear TP Support auto personalized ESL, no need renew EIS ……not tested yet Support check ESL damage status …… tested OK Support repair W204 ESL NEC chip(fatal error: 0xAA) and Motorola ESL chip …… tested OK ( NEC chip only yet ) [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]